Slaves of SMS
«My friends made me start. Now I wish they never had.» «In the beginning I had control. But then it took off.» «I keep doing it all night, until I have to go to work.» «I spent 150 000 NOK last year» «The kids are suffering.» «I don't know why I do it. Just that I have to.»
One should think that these are statements from drug addicts. Instead they come from people who suffer from another kind of dependence. Their disease appears in no medical books, and there is no cure against it. Availability exists all over the world. There is no way of escaping it. Governments and private companies take care of the access. The addicts are regular people; victims by a technology that was meant to make our life easier. In their case, it has taken over their very life. They are addicts to text messages.